It helps if you concentrate.
Calm yourself.
Fix your mind.
Grip your chair.
Are you ready?
Twiddle 'em!
Fiddle 'em!
Flail 'em with flair!
Did they jiggle?
A little?
Don't despair.
If your ears won't wiggle—
try wriggling your hair!
Grade levels
K - 2
3 & 4
Contest Criteria
What makes you you?
Well maybe it's not wriggling your hair
but is there some simple subtle movement
that only you can do something that makes you
uniquely you?
Maybe curl your tongue
crinkle your nose
or raise an eyebrow?
My sister can cross her toes
Me I can flare my nostrils, see?
Cool eh?
Maybe not or maybe so.
Talk Amongst yourselves,
and let me know!