You ran naked out the door.
The neighbours laughed; I chased you down.
I hardly see you anymore.
I know you’re busy.
Did I tell you when you were little how
you ran naked out the door?
You got halfway down the street
before I caught you in my arms.
I hardly see you anymore.
I think I told you this before:
I was giving you a bath and then
you ran naked out the door.
It happened fast.
The neighbours laughed.
I hardly see you anymore.
You have to watch a baby close.
I remember once —
You ran naked out the door.
I hardly see you anymore.
Is this a painful poem about a funny memory, or a funny poem about a painful memory?
Think of a memory that is both painful and funny, and write a poem that plays with tone. How does shifting the tone between humour and sadness change the reader's understanding of the poem?
Who is the speaker talking about? What are some of the possibilities, and how would that influence your understanding of the poem?
Damian Rogers, “Good Day Villanelle” from Dear Leader. Copyright © 2015 by Damian Rogers. Reprinted by permission of Coach House Books.
Source: Dear Leader (Coach House Books, 2015)