Visual world not exactly shaped –
Sense of smell, anticipation, senses that
are not exactly shaped —
Dark shadows casted —
Rat colors with faint hairly smells and pale
dark spots like those on a transparent sheet
of celluloid —
Rose color with a glitter and softness that
is cool and motional —
The kind of color that does exist by
itself but only when it is casted between
two moving objects —
The color like a remaining stain of illusion
on a moving object —
The color that only happens when movements
cut the air in a certain way and go immediately.
Use such color to tint your absent thoughts.
Have absent thoughts for a long time.
1964 summer
Grade levels
10-12 / Sec. 4 & 5 / CEGEP 1
Contest Criteria
Bibliographical info
Yoko Ono, “Color Piece” from Grapefruit. Copyright renewed © 1998 by Yoko Ono. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Source: Grapefruit (SIMON & SCHUSTER, 1998)