VOICES/VOIX Poetry Journal




Read the fifth issue of VOICES/VOIX!

"While in one sense this magazine represents, for this school year, an ending, the culmination of several months of writing, reading, reflecting and editing, this publication also signals the beginning of the recognition that poetry can belong to anyone. It can belong to you, if you are willing to trust yourself.  Allow me to share a little theory about poetry that was passed to me years ago, when I was a young(er) poet:

We each naturally possess a lifetime's worth of poetry. If we take the time, and muster the courage, to write our thoughts, needs, passions, dreams, obsessions, hopes and insights onto the page, what we write will always be poetic enough. Our very lives are poetic, especially when we speak and write about them with honesty or emotional clarity."

— Brandon Wint

Poets Brandon Wint and Annie Lafleur are the editors of this year's issuewhich features students in grades 9 to 12 (and 1st year of Cegep) from across the country. Their poems, in English and French, are inspired by a visit from our Poets In Class, by a writing prompt, or by an anthology poem.

Please enjoy these incredible poems by talented youth from across the nation.

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