White people tell you to apologize for yourself
through gestures, through small talk, through the ways in
which they ask, “Where are you from?” and
then again, unresolved: “No, I mean...Where are you
really from??” Or when they tell you you’re pretty for
an Indian girl. And even through you’re not Indian.
You nod, smiling with forgiveness & agreement
Or when they tell you that you don’t act like an Indian,
and you don’t even mind that you’re not Indian because
you’re so filled with glee that you’re not some kind of
dancing monkey. So you feel you
will be accepted like you’re about to join a sorority.
A sorority where all the white people go. And you.
That they’ll forget you aren’t as brown as brown
could be. Until they snicker a “curry” under
their breath as they look at you. Or
mention Apu and do the Indian voice
thankyoucomeagain & instead of making them
uncomfortable with an admonition of their racism, in
response you will say (defensively) that it sounds nothing
like your father. Which is true but it’ll take you years
to understand the damage it’s done. When they
see you and not a human. When they see not you,
but a stereotype, made up... by a white person.
Fariha Rósín "the many descriptions of being brown" Copyright 2019 by Fariha Rósín
Source: "the many descriptions of being brown" from How to Cure a Ghost (Abrams Image, an imprint of ABRAMS, 2019)