Scab Maids on Speed

My first job was when I was about 15. I had met a girl named Hope who became my best

friend. Hope and I were flunking math class so we became speed freaks. This honed our

algebra skills and we quickly became whiz kids. For about 5 minutes. Then, our brains

started to fry and we were just teenage speed freaks.


Then, we decided to seek gainful employment.


We got hired on as part time maids at the Holiday Inn while a maid strike was happening.

We were scab maids on speed and we were coming to clean your room.


We were subsequently fired for pilfering a Holiday Inn guest’s quaalude stash which we did

only because we never thought someone would have the nerve to call the front desk and say;

THE MAIDS STOLE MY LUUDES MAN. But someone did – or so we surmised – because we

were fired.


I supposed maybe we were fired because we never actually CLEANED but rather just turned

on the vacuum so it SOUNDED like we were cleaning as we picked the pubic hairs off the

sheets and out of the tub then passed out on the bed and caught up on the sleep we’d missed

from being up all night speeding.


When we got fired, we became waitresses at an International House of Pancakes.


We were much happier there.

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