Speaker & Mover 1: Listening, Mirroring

Lesson Introduction

One way of allowing students to become less self-conscious about public speaking is to give them a task that focuses them on something other than the sound of their own voices in front of people. This exercise concretizes the idea of ‘intention’: what are you doing to another person with your text? It also allows for a spontaneous collaboration between two students who can have the luxury of feeling that they’re ‘in it together’.

Learning Objectives

In this lesson, students will have opportunities to:

  • Practice spontaneity. 
  • Be mutually supportive in performance.
  • Practice creative physical expression.
  • Demonstrate action and intention in speaking text.

Materials and Resources

To teach this lesson, you wil need:

  • computer with access to PIV website
  • printer and/or pen and paper

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