Students who work with Poetry In Voice/Les voix de la poésie’s materials can meet many of the core competencies in Senior High School English Language Arts.
Alberta Education Program
Senior High School English Language Arts,
10-1, 10-2, 20-1, 20-2, 30-1, 30-2
Connections to Overall Expectations
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to:
Outcome 1: Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences
Discover possibilities
- Form tentative understandings, interpretations and positions
- Experiment with language, image and structure
Extend Awareness
- Express preferences, expand interests
- Consider new perspectives
Outcome 2: Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively
Construct meaning from text and context
- Use reference strategies and reference technologies
Understand and appreciate textual forms, elements and techniques
- Relate form, structure and medium to purpose, audience and content
- Relate elements, devices and techniques to created effects
Respond to a variety of print and nonprint texts
- Connect self, text, culture and milieu
- Evaluate the verisimilitude, appropriateness and significance of print and nonprint texts
- Appreciate the effectiveness and artistry of print and nonprint texts
- Construct interpretations that embody both own world and the world of the text
Outcome 3: Manage ideas and information
Determine inquiry or research requirements
- Focus on purpose and presentation form
Follow a plan of inquiry
- Select, record and organize information
- Form generalizations and conclusions
Outcome 4: Create oral, print, visual and multimedia texts, and enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
Develop and present a variety of print and nonprint texts
- Consider and address form, structure and medium
- Develop content
Improve thoughfulness, effectiveness and correctness of communication
- Enhance thought and understanding and support and detail
- Consider and address matters of choice
Outcome 5: Respect, support and collaborate with others
Respect others and stengthen community
- Appreciate diversity of expression, opinion and perspective
- Recognize accomplishments and events
Work within a group
- Cooperate with others, and contribute to group processes