Students who work with Poetry In Voice/Les voix de la poésie’s materials can meet many of the requirements for English 10-12.
Nova Scotia follows the Atlantic Canada English Language Arts Curriculum, Grades 10-12 .
Connections to Overall Expectations
Competency 1: Speaking and Listening
Speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas, feelings,and experiences
- listen critically to analyse and evaluate concepts, ideas, and information
- ask perceptive/probing questions to explore ideas and gain information
- examine others’ ideas and synthesize what is helpful to clarify and expand on own understanding
Communicate ideas effectively and clearly, and respond personally and critically
- critically evaluate others’ uses of language and use this knowledge to reflect on and improve their own uses of language
- recognize that communication involves an exchange of ideas and an awareness of the connections between speaker and listener; use this to adapt the message, language, and delivery to the context
- participate in a range of speaking situations, demonstrating an understanding of the difference between formal and informal speech
Interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and purpose
- adapt language and communication style to audience, purpose, and situation
- demonstrate how spoken language influences and manipulates, and reveals ideas, values, and attitudes
Competency 2: Reading and Viewing
Select, read, and view a range of literature, information, media, and visual texts
- select texts to support the learning needs and range of special interests
- demonstrate an understanding of impact literary devices and media techniques have on shaping the understanding of a text
- Develop research and organizational strategies for working with information
Interpret, select, and combine information using strategies, resources, and technologies
- access, select, and research, in systematic ways, specific information to meet personal and individual learning needs
- use the electronic network
- evaluate research processes
Respond personally to a range of texts
- make connections between the ideas and information presented in literary and media texts and thier own experiences
- make informed personal responses to increasingly challenging print and media texts and reflect on their own responses
Respond critically to a range of texts, applying their understanding of language, form, and genre
- examine different aspects of texts that contribute to meaning and effect
- recognize the use and impact of specific literary and media devices
Competency 3: Writing and Representing
Use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and other ways of representing to enhance clarity, precision, and effectiveness
- integrate information from many sources to construct and communicate meaning
- demonstrate an awareness of what writing/representation processes and presentation strategies work for in relation to audience and purpose