It was in a boardroom
that I witnessed the latest killing
A room filled with knowledgeable
white people
trying to understand
what we offer
shaking their heads
not grasping
the method, our language
asking - Would that be recognized by others?
(Academics, I presume)
Not seeing the power their world had
over the space
It was in this place that I saw the latest casualty
it was in the silence of the only Indigenous woman in the room
and the anxiety that I could recognize
beaten out of us
by the assertion that we were free to speak
(but not able)
and the ignorance that laid itself that day
in the room, on the table, and covered the room in shame
a shame that white people create
but can't see
I witnessed a murder here this day
when a woman's voice was silenced
with a silent hand that we all recognize
whether it was in a boardroom
a jail cell
a distant farm
a space between trees and approaching headlights
or in the face of an officer, standing tall, holding someone's
jacket and shoes
something they may never see
and it scares me
The shame and oppression caused by white people is most invisible to white people
Tyler Pennock, "It was in a boardroom" from Bones. Copyright © 2020 by Tyler Pennock. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Source: Bones (Brick Books, 2020)