We were a conflagration asking
to be incarnated into the world.
Mother, superstitious, kept us
apart, two stones of the same
igneous anger.
Everyone saucered tears
like firetrucks before a plane crash,
as if preparing, should we combust.
Mother had once hidden
all the nooses, knocking
all hanging hooks from our ceiling,
the other family hid the tinder and wood,
crying flame-retardant
for the walls.
Your palm prints have returned
as shingles around my left eye.
There’s extinguishing foam on the runway.
We meet again in our prefabricated peace.
Don’t aim your will at me
if you will not shoot.
Grade levels
7-9 / Sec. 1-3
Contest Criteria
Common Poetic Terms and Forms
Bibliographical info
Tolu Oloruntoba, "Tinderbox" from the Junta of Happenstance. Copyright © 2021 by Tolu Oloruntoba.
Source: the Junta of Happenstance (Palimpsest Press, 2021)