Search Categories - Any -25 Lines or FewerCanadaPre 21st Century21st Century Grade levels 7-9 / Sec. 1-3 10-12 / Sec. 4 & 5 / CEGEP 1 Sort by RandomNewestMost popularA -> ZZ -> A Apply Francine Cunningham On Identity it’s hard to feel power from my ancestors when i don’t know who they are, where they come from, what their stories are we share blood blood shares memory John Ashbery Interesting People of Newfoundland Newfoundland is, or was, full of interesting people. Like Larry, who would make a fool of himself on street corners for a nickel. There… Jen Sookfong Lee Community Garden There, the bolting black kale, taller than it has any right to be and not the twitter troll who asked if you were on your period. In the corner, a pile of dead zucchini leaves, spotted with rot Rachael Boast Cocteau Twins I’ve heard the phrase between you and me too many times to believe it to be true, but between me and you Jason Purcell Men in the Gut Scrape the inside of sleep the belly wall tasting like yoghurt cooked broccoli its emptiness leaving something on the tongue. Escaping the body that wants to quit from the inside. Hollie McNish Embarrased i thought it was ok - i could understand the reasons they said there might be young children or a nervous man seeing this small piece of flesh that they weren’t quite expecting Russell Atkins Coffee Marjorie Pickthall The Wife Living, I had no might To make you hear, Now, in the inmost night, H. D. Helen All Greece hates the still eyes in the white face, the lustre as of olives Majzoob Tabrizi Fire in the Reeds One night, fire fell into a reed bed It burned like love falling onto a soul As fire’s head warmed to its work every reed turned into a candle at its own grave Elizabeth Bachinsky Wolf Lake It was down that road he brought me, still in the trunk of his car. I won’t say it felt right, but it did feel expected. The way you… Carl Sandburg I Am the People, the Mob I am the people — the mob — the crowd — the mass. Do you know that all the great work of the world is done through me? I am the workingman, the inventor, the maker of the world’s food and clothes. bill bissett dont worry yr hair dont worry yr eyes dont worry yr brain man th snow is… Robert Frost The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood Dante Gabriel Rossetti Insomnia Thin are the night-skirts left behind By daybreak hours that onward creep, And thin, alas! the shred of sleep Jane Munro Sonoma He totaled his blue truck — slowly spun out on an icy bridge, rammed it into a guard rail. Daniel Borzutzky Lake Michigan, Scene 3 The bodies are on the beach And the bodies keep breaking And the fight is over But the bodies aren't dead And the mayor keeps saying I will bring back the bodies Michael Crummey Newfoundland Sealing Disaster Sent to the ice after white coats, rough outfit slung on coiled rope belts, they stooped to the slaughter: gaffed pups, George Bowering Pale Blue Cover In the middle of the night Matt would fly to Vancouver so he could take a walk on the sea wall the next day, then go home. Wouldnt tell anyone, no telephone call, just run a… Patrick Lane Passing into Storm Know him for a white man. He walks sideways into wind allowing the left of him to forget what the right knows as cold. His ears turn into death what Matthew Weigel On the Boundaries of Treaty No. 6 commencing to the place of beginning; emptying; in 1959 the South Saskatchewan river was dammed; forever altering the boundary of Treaty no. 6; Laurie D. Graham Fast Commute The meteorologists are pleading with us to keep checking back through the storm, ice pellets making a carpet two, three inches thick, this pale beach we walk on, this wind that passed Thomas Hardy Channel Firing That night your great guns, unawares, Shook all our coffins as we lay, And broke the chancel window-squares, Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers I’ve known rivers: I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. Joshua Whitehead Full Metal Oji-Cree this is the transsensorium there are indo-robo-women fighting cowboys on the frontier & winning finally the premodern is a foundation for the postmodern wintermute, tessier-ashpool, armitage Katherena Vermette mixed tape side a: 1. 18 and Life her friend takes her to Ben Ladouceur Tractatus The sun gave our shoulder blades ulu-shaped burns, and the sun gives nothing to our sort I sleep now, and furiously Clouds excreted shadows on the shoreline, and there were no clouds Canisia Lubrin Sons of Orion for Alton Sterling, Andrew Loku, Philando Castile, et al. I wanna live, son. But which son are you? There where the rivers are made of moonshine and the lights still wait, Kai Cheng Thom diaspora babies diaspora babies, we are born of pregnant pauses/spilled from unwanted wombs/squalling invisible-ink poems/written in the margins of a map of a place called No Homeland Dan Taulapapa McMullin Turtle Island Poem Number Fourteen once i left turtle island and i rejoined la and doubleU and see to savai‘i on a hunting trip on the fairy from upolu la picked up a day trick blew him during lunch Walt Whitman Come Up From the Fields Father Come up from the fields father, here’s a letter from our Pete, And come to the front door mother, here’s a letter from thy dear son. Lo, ’tis autumn Ivanna Baranova confirmation bias at least in our waking life most commemoration doubles as force since even the most benign zodiacal conceptions are tinged eurocentric when brown women die John Keats When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be When I have fears that I may cease to be Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain, Before high-pilèd books, in charactery, Lucille Clifton won’t you celebrate with me won’t you celebrate with me what i have shaped into a kind of life? i had no model. born in babylon both nonwhite and woman what did i see to be except myself? i made it up Margaret Fuller Flaxman We deemed the secret lost, the spirit gone, Which spake in Greek simplicity of thought, And in the forms of gods and heroes wrought Bronwen Wallace Common Magic Your best friend falls in love and her brain turns to water. You can watch her lips move, William Wordsworth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, Aphra Behn Love Armed Love in Fantastic Triumph sat, Whilst Bleeding Hearts around him flowed, For whom Fresh pains he did Create, Edgar Albert Guest It Couldn’t Be Done Somebody said that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Rudyard Kipling If — If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … Next › Next page Last » Last page Language English