Search Categories - Any -25 Lines or FewerCanadaPre 21st Century21st Century Grade levels 7-9 / Sec. 1-3 10-12 / Sec. 4 & 5 / CEGEP 1 Sort by RandomNewestMost popularA -> ZZ -> A Apply Katherena Vermette mixed tape side a: 1. 18 and Life her friend takes her to Gerard Manley Hopkins Spring Nothing is so beautiful as Spring — When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush; Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens,… Patricia Smith Hip-Hop Ghazal Gotta love us brown girls, munching on fat, swinging blue hips, decked out in shells and splashes, Lawdie, bringing them woo hips. As the jukebox teases, watch my sistas throat the heartbreak, Rita Wong fluorine arsenic in calculators, mercury in felt hats, mad as a poisoned hatter pyrophoric undercurrent in mundane Ellen van Neerven Call a Spade a Spade a heart a heart a diamond a diamond a club a club call it invasion not settlement call it genocide not colonization call it theft not establishment don't call January 26 Australia Day E. J. Pratt From The Titanic: The Iceberg Calved from a glacier near Godhaven coast, It left the fiord for the sea — a host Of white flotillas gathering in its wake, Ezra Pound A Virginal No, no! Go from me. I have left her lately. I will not spoil my sheath with lesser brightness, For my surrounding air hath a new lightness; Elizabeth Barrett Browning Sonnets from the Portuguese 24 Let the world’s sharpness, like a clasping knife, Shut in upon itself and do no harm In this close hand of Love, now soft and warm, And let us hear no sound of human strife Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose O my Luve is like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June; O my Luve is like the melody Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch The Fatigue The Fatigue is just fatigue. It sprays my body like a numbing agent. Say the way I sleep might not be working, say the way I eat might not be working. Hope to god the meds David McGimpsey 71. Song for a Silent Treatment. I told her, in plain language, how I felt. And by that I mean I mumbled a poorly paraphrased and… Alfred, Lord Tennyson The Princess: Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white; Nor waves the cypress in the palace walk; Nor winks the gold fin in the porphyry font. Roxanna Bennett The Trick Let me be a ''poet of cripples" not a patient etherized upon a table, not a brain floating within a body. In a moment I must be a body in the place incision produces in a body, El Jones Glass Hands: A Eulogy on the Anniversary of the Pandemic Hands pressed to glass Alootook Ipellie Walking Both Sides of an Invisible Border It is never easy Walking with an invisible border Separating my left and right foot David Alexander Parable of the Eagle An eagle egg fell into a farmer’s chicken shed and when it hatched the farmer gave it chicken feed even though he was the king of birds. The farmer clipped the eaglet’s princely beak and raised him Jalal al-Din Rumi Great Intimacy It is like an exquisite spider web, this world, but I don't get trapped. I have ceased to tie the strings of one shoe to another in the morning, Dominik Parisien Un Docteur Anglophone Traduit Les Inquiétudes De Son Patient Avec Google/An English Speaking Doctor Translates the Concerns of his Patient with Google écoute à quoi bon être poète beau dire ce mal semble dans la tête comme marteau feu enclume clou couteau ou l’éclat d’une baudroie ou des aurores boréales Tomasz Rózycki 11. Headwinds When I began to write, I didn’t know each of my words would bit by bit remove things from the world and in return leave blank Francine Cunningham On Identity it’s hard to feel power from my ancestors when i don’t know who they are, where they come from, what their stories are we share blood blood shares memory jaye simpson urban NDNs in the DTES had a dozen foster parents tell me to run from my mother’s truth Robert Frost Reluctance Out through the fields and the woods And over the walls I have wended; I have climbed the hills of view George Herbert The Pulley When God at first made man, Having a glass of blessings standing by, “Let us,” said he, “pour on him all we can. Theodore Roethke My Papa’s Waltz The whiskey on your breath Could make a small boy dizzy; But I hung on like death: Stephanie Bolster Portrait of Alice with Elvis Queen and King, they rule side by side in golden thrones above the clouds. Her giggle and wide eyes remind him Jane Mead From World of Made and Unmade In my dream my mother comes with me. We are in the meadows we call The Flats, walking the dogs. Walk straight past the water trough, she says, do not engage the moss. Natalie Diaz from Exhibits from the American Water Museum 99. From an original rock painting in Topock, Arizona, now digitized on a wall-mounted monitor: Before this city, the Creator pressed his staff into the earth, and the earth opened— Dane Swan Pride A half-hour. Thirty minutes. One thousand eight hundred seconds. They sat. Langston Hughes The Negro Speaks of Rivers I’ve known rivers: I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. Ada Limón The Raincoat When the doctor suggested surgery and a brace for all my youngest years, my parents scrambled to take me to massage therapy, deep tissue work, osteopathy, and soon my crooked spine William Ernest Henley Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be Yi Lei Between Strangers Stranger, who can measure the distance between us? Distance is the rumor of a never-before-seen sea. Distance the width of a layer of dust. Maybe we need only strike a match Jody Chan aubade for the BPD subreddit user who wrote can people with BPD love? bedtime ritual summon a stranger tonight you linger on my laptop screen John McCrae In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky Matthew Arnold Dover Beach The sea is calm tonight. The tide is full, the moon lies fair Upon the straits; on the French coast the light Natalie Scenters-Zapico Buen Esqueleto Life is short & I tell this to mis hijas. Life is short & I show them how to talk to police without opening the door, how to leave the social security number blank Robert Frost The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood Billy-Ray Belcourt TREATY 8 queen of great britain and ireland, by her commissioners the honourable david laird, of winnipeg, manitoba, indian com Gerard Manley Hopkins Pied Beauty Glory be to God for dappled things — For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow; For rose-moles all in stipple… Natalie Diaz The Clouds are Buffalo Limping Towards Jesus "weeping blooms Pagination « First First page ‹ Previous Previous page … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … Next › Next page Last » Last page Language English