Lesson Introduction
I created this lesson over 20 years ago as part of my Action Research at OISE. This is a fun, engaging, and highly interactive method to teach and reinforce Simile and Metaphor. This lesson has been highly successful through the years and is favored by my students.
Students will produce poems about chips utilizing the five senses and two poetic devices, Simile and Metaphor.
Learning Objectives
In this lesson, students will have opportunities to:
- Develop and Organize Content: generate, gather, and organize ideas and information to write for an intended purpose and audience;
- Use Knowledge of Form and Style: draft and revise their writing, using a variety of literary, informational, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience;
- Apply Knowledge of Conventions: use editing, proofreading, and publishing skills and strategies, and knowledge of language conventions, to correct errors, refine expression, and present their work effectively;
- Listen to Understand: listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a variety of purposes;
- Speak to Communicate: use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes;
Materials and Resources
To teach this lesson you will need:
- Chips – select two different types
- Disposable food prep gloves
- Napkins
- Blank or lined paper/notebooks
- Cell phone timer
- Chalkboard/whiteboard