Do you like your name? Do you ever wonder about the meaning of your name? Are there interesting stories behind your name? Have you ever asked your parents how they chose your name? How important was it to them and is it to you? Do you believe your name brings you a certain fate?
Or have you ever wanted another name? Why not google your name or the name you want to have, and let us see what surprises this brings? Yes! Try to write a poem afterwards. For example, try imagining yourself being one of the famous people who has the name you want, and then retelling their stories in a new angle with different backgrounds. You can also compare the fate of others with your name and exploring how their stories influence you and what your name means to you.
This is a fun way to discover some unknown part of yourself and a poem is waiting there for you!
I found a lot of amazing stories for my name: Anna. And I wrote the poem: “As Much as You Know”, you can read it at Queens’ Quarterly 2021 Spring issue: https://www.queensu.ca/