This is a prayer for the dead and dying -
and those that may never know a life on the outside
I hope your sins don’t meet you at your grave -
grinning like a toothy menace -
I hope there’s a twitch before they pounce
I hope your family knows it’s okay to reconcile what you’ve done
with what you mean to them
But also okay not to -
if it gives them peace
I hope traffic and trains never rattle over your final resting place
to shake your bones to dust a little sooner
But most of all
I hope sagebrush bursts through your cedarwood coffin
and Eagle carries you home to Creator
I hope Thunderbird screams your name
and Coyote howls a lament for your spirit’s journey
We will keep the fire burning for you
to light your way home
Justene Dion-Glowa, "Claim Laid" from Trailer Park Shakes. Copyright © 2022 by Justene Dion-Glowa. Reprinted by permission of the publisher. Source: Trailer Park Shakes (Brick Books, 2022)