The sludge-slow flow of the visible current
opens a path we can’t continue, tugs
at what no hand can pull along.
It’s how even water loses memory,
travels a direction it cannot find,
a vein cut loose of its own skin,
to separate itself from what it belongs to –
depth, surface,
Keep moving,
it says, without a word
as it takes the plunge to free what was form
into no shape it knew
it could be.
Grade levels
7-9 / Sec. 1-3
10-12 / Sec. 4 & 5 / CEGEP 1
Common Poetic Terms and Forms
Contest Criteria
Bibliographical info
Kevin Irie's "Current" Copyright © 2021 by Kevin Irie.
Source: "Current" from The Tantramar Re-Vision (McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal. 2021.)