Twenty-four years ago
I tried to kill myself
but with my usual incompetence
did not manage to.
Not even one good poem
out of it.
I was no Sylvia Plath.
I don’t know
why I write about it now
(and even now
I am not giving details)
except maybe I write
for hortatory or didactic reasons
to say to someone
It’s been a dull life
much of the time
but lots better
than no life at all.
You don’t know how much
you may yet enjoy
just waking up
and peeling oranges
to eat with sugar
while you listen to the clock strike
down at the Town Hall
telling you again
that you’re still here
and Sylvia Plath isn’t.
Grade levels
10-12 / Sec. 4 & 5 / CEGEP 1
Common Poetic Terms and Forms
Contest Criteria
Bibliographical info
Selected Poems of Elizabeth Brewster: 1944-77. Ed. and Intro. Tom Marshall. Ottawa: Oberon, 1985.