The hallway is an empty
riverbed, smooth and barren.
At three o’clock classroom
doors open like dams.
Gullies of teens stream
out, to become one
flowing body. A torrent
of fauxhawks and ponytails
channels along the linoleum.
The drowned boy floats along
just below the surface,
caught in an undercurrent,
bobbing past the
sightless stares of teachers.
He bumps into lockers, is
scraped along concrete walls,
swirled in and out of bathroom stalls,
whirled past indifferent
pools of preoccupation
to be swept out in a current
of apathy and oversight
into a sea of needles
Tyler Perry, "FLOOD". Copyright © Tyler Perry 2010. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Source: Lessons in Falling (B House Publications, 2010)