Parable of the Eagle

An eagle egg fell into a farmer’s chicken shed

and when it hatched the farmer gave it chicken feed

even though he was the king of birds. The farmer


clipped the eaglet’s princely beak and raised him

as a chicken. When he grew large, wildlife control

called on the farm. “It has the heart of an eagle,”


said the public servant. “It will fly.” And the farmer

asked, “What if he likes it here with all the chickens?”

As they spoke, the birds crept off to don disguises.


Soon they couldn’t tell the eagle from the hens

so they carried the strongest-looking bird to the

farmhouse balcony and said, “You’re a regal eagle


not a lowly chicken. Go find your place in the sun!”

And they tossed one bird into the air together every

night until they fell in love, the farmer and the guy


from wildlife control, and got so hungry that they

ate roast eagle under a chicken-dotted sky.

In this poem, an unlikely guest in the form of an eagle finds itself in a farmer’s hen house, resulting in an unexpected ending.

  1. What does the symbol of an eagle bring to mind?
  2. How would you describe the speaker of this poem?
  3. Would you consider this a love poem; if so, between who?
  4. What do you think it means to have the “heart of an eagle”?
  5. If you were to recite this poem aloud, how might pacing affect your telling?

Writing Activity

How would you imagine this poem unfolding pass its ending? After the farmer and “the guy” fall in love, carry on with the image of an eagle and write a few more stanzas to convey what you think happens.

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Bibliographical info

“Parable of the Eagle” by David Alexander from After the Hatching Oven, Nightwood Editions, 2018,

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