2017 Team Regionals

Toronto English Team Regionals, hosted by Enid Wray at Etobicoke School for the Arts on March 28

  • 1st place: Toronto French School (Abe Arafat, Hannah Halpern, Elizabeth Wong)
  • 2nd place: Etobicoke School for the Arts (Katie Beale, Sama Konateh, Renee Withnell)
  • 3rd place: St. Clement's School (Jovanna Creet, Nikayda Harris, Madeleine Rocco)
  • Participating schools: Marshall McLuhan Catholic Secondary School, Mary, Mother of God School, Michael Power & St. Joseph's Secondary School, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School


Vancouver English Team Regionals, hosted by Michael Choi at Prince of Wales Secondary School on March 31

  • 1st place: Vancouver Technical Secondary School (A-C Barrios-Stewart, Jerlyn Brutas, Henry Campbell-Wood)
  • 2nd place: Little Flower Academy (Marissa Prado, Elizabeth Vaz, Grace Walker)
  • 3rd place: Templeton Secondary School (Belle Eist, Daniel Lu, Nesta Toft)
  • Participating schools: 

Montreal Bilingual Team Regionals, hosted by Mary Kate Jackson at Trafalgar School for Girls on April 4

  • 1st place: The Sacred Heart School of Montreal (Olivia Torralbo, Rachel Watts)
  • 2nd place: Trafalgar School for Girls (Inuya Schultz, Seyjii Schultz)
  • 3rd place: École secondaire St-Joseph (Chloé Gagnon, Élisabeth Lanoie-Desfossés)
  • Participating schools: Collège Beaubois, Collège Esther-Blondin, École internationale de Montréal


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