My dad taught me to never give out my real name, age,
address, or photos. This seemed obvious to me. My fake
birthday entry was always my crush's birthday plus a
random year from the early 1900s. I spent hours making
my avatars look like everything, anything but myself. It
didn’t matter how people (mis)pronounced my name, how
young I was, how squinty my eyes were. I can't remember
my crush's birthday anymore. He was a Gemini, but that
doesn't help enough. According to my fake birthday, I'm
dead, anyway.
Grade levels
7-9 / Sec. 1-3
10-12 / Sec. 4 & 5 / CEGEP 1
Common Poetic Terms and Forms
Contest Criteria
Setting up an internet profile makes the speaker question everything she knows about herself.
Bibliographical info
Sennah Yee, “Internet Safety” from How Do I Look? Copyright © 2017 by Sennah Yee. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Source: How Do I Look (Sennah Yee / Metatron Press, 2017)