(let us suppose, on some still night,
yes, a humid night a lot like this one)
We climb up the rusting ladder,
Mexican beer forced into waistbands,
and lie on the cooling roof
count our personal galaxies
far high LEDs, billboards, dreams.
You won’t get aggressive from the booze tonight
but sweet, softly blurred around the edges.
And let’s suppose we begin to make promises,
the far-reaching ones that reflect our age
and all the impossible potential held in our humid thighs
and starry eyes
We compare shadows and the blue glow
of distance. Scattering sweetly scented flowers
around an impossible future.
I would see these tears as art
and so we would be.
You lie in that shiny black
wet hot seed. I yearn to plant and feast
the vines that strangle stubborn feet.
Soft brown lips
sometimes stirring, like dozing lovers
on your dozing lover face.
High above the street lights. Two impossible galaxies
upon their backs, comparing the tyranny of future.
Of course, distance doesn’t apply to warming bodega beer.
Until we drift and dissolve
back to this moment.
Soft and young, again we will meet,
in tropical filthy rain, we retreat.
Our bodies dream
Jazz Money, "let us suppose" from How to make a basket. Copyright © Jazz Money 2021. Reprinted with permission of the publisher. Source: how to make a basket (University of Queensland Press, 2021)