He is not doing well. She is not
“Doing well.” They are not doing well.
And so the new day blooms with its
Frills held tight across the window.
If I could know that which resembles
Me, if I could taste the insistences
Of dusk, I would rise from the shocked
Grass and imagine a shelter of miniature
Tides. Trouble always follows me. If
I left for some other clime, I would
Be confronted with the sparkling repose
Of hours for a little while, and then
The hammer would come down like
The sides of a city avenue over me.
And so I stay, oh, I stay, and I report
The greenness of the alphabet disappearing
Over my faded jeans. X, you
Have witnessed every disaster, and I know
You know it’s true. Still, that is no reason
To stop running, like an untraceable phone.
Noelle Kocot, "Paying Attention" from God's Green Earth. Copyright © 2020 by Noelle Kocot. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Source: God's Green Earth (Wave Books, 2020)