I’m a gecko on a wall
that simulates a cliff
with rainbow grips
I’ll touch any colour
that’ll have me
midway is high enough
wary of emotional
I don’t mean home-
steading like that queer
you overheard
at Turk’s talking babies
after only a month
I mean relentless
forgetting to hydrate
having met at an awkward
sex party we now call a date
we walked for an hour
in the rain and talked
I’ve been calling you
the person I’m excited about
you thought I didn’t
like you at first
I’m wary of a feral quality
I sometimes inhabit
Ryan called me
an outdoor kitty
I don’t always know
what I think until I say it
and then I say it again
to commit it to memory
I’m afraid of what
you’ll commit to memory
how you see my desire
when you’re strangling me
I live with a lot of fear
that somehow
never really stops me
Animalistic fear and desire collide in this poem
Adèle Barclay’s “Rainbow Rock-Climbing Club” Copyright © 2019 by Adèle Barclay. Source “Rainbow Rock-Climbing Club” from Renaissance Normcore (Nightwood, 2019). Reprinted by permission of the author.