what a glory feeling it is to sit in the sun by the oceanside
as tulugait and naujait sing circling above
and scrape skins with centuries of arnait guiding my ulu
an intimate relationship develops from skin to skin
an intergenerational transmission of traditional knowledge
an ideological shift in relations with the sila
the processes of pure ingenuity and the utmost respect for all
from birth to babe to the ultimate end
I imagine the journey of this particular seal
reaching for the last breath
and all the journeys before that
creation’s circle,
a life lived
an ending of sorts
a beginning of traditions
an innermost relationship blossoms
a deep appreciation of those before
I can feel the elation and gratitude from the young hunter
as the act of melting snow in one’s mouth
the first of many to come
from fresh imiq transferred mouth to mouth
a long-established tradition of giving the seal a last drink begins
keeping the survival of livelihood breathing crisp Arctic air
as I tend to my qisik
I pull my skin over the avvik
scraping off the future oil for my qulliq
I marvel at our ingenuity as Inuit
our ability to make use of anything and everything around us
my ulu guides a shedding of grief
a loss of language and relation to land in the midst of being discovered
a removal of sorrow
a rendering of warmth in the purest form
to saturate summer’s harvest of maniq and suputiit
fusing together a bright future
I am guided by centuries of arnait
my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother
generations of strong capable Inuit women who came before me
my body is remembering the strength within and the peace to know
a connection nurtured by empathic insight
tulugait | ravens
naujait | seagulls
arnait | women
ulu | crescent knife traditionally used by women
sila | weather
imiq | water
qisik | sealskin pelt
avvik | the board used to scrape fat and membrane off animal skins
qulliq | seal oil lamp
maniq | lamp moss – mixed with suputiit to use as wick for qulliq
suputiit | Arctic willow – mixed with maniq to use as wick for qulliq
Ashley Qilavaq-Savard's "Skins" from Sex &.Love & Copyright © 2022 by Ashley Qilavaq-Savard. Used with permission from Inhabit Books.