creation stories are lullabies for grown-ups
they remind us of all the possible ways & means
that worlds can be born
& humans come to be
tricksters & goddesses
fire & water
the one god, or all of the gods
working as a team
there is no end to the doing & the undoing
of our creators
they have imagined us over & over & over
recreating us & recreating our world on a whim
there is no end to us, humans, either
we keep re-inventing the cosmos & fighting
one anothers’ visions
with killing hands
we have our feast times
& our fast times
our celebrations & our long days & nights
of lament
& yet we are not powerless, we adults, we humans
we reinvent, we shape and reshape the world, every
single day
Joanne Arnott, “world shapers” from W’daub Awae = Speaking True. Copyright © 2010 by Joanne Arnott. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Source: W’daub Awae = Speaking True (Kegedonce Press, 2010)